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Danse 2024

3 tequila floor

5 6 7 8 step

All for maries wedding

All week waltz

Angels waltz

A wee bit lost

Back to the start

Bonny lady

Dance with me cha 

Eyes closed

Every move you make

Honky tonk Higway

In the summertime

It all adds up to us

John henri

Just in dream

Lucky lips

Offspring waltz

She want a ring

Shouting to the monster

Soul shake 

Storm and stone 

Sway AB

Tennessee waltz surprise

Texas hold em 

Tippin it up

That honky tonk higway

The cowboy boogie

Wait a minute Mr Postman 

Westie work 

Danse 2023

1 2 snap


Be a better man

Bill's basic

Celitic waltz

Charleston boogie

Dim the ligths 

Double devil

Easy dance 

Give me your tempo

Good at being bad

Honney honney 

How good is that 

I got burned 

I must be in switzerland

Irish boots


Ja ja ding dong

Make some new love 

New thing

No tag no restart

open book


Red dress

She say 

Stand by me

The morning after

Voodoo magic kiss

Danse 2022


Bad habits 

Ball cap 

Beliver baby 

Clear isabel

Coffe day and whiskey night

Como yo 


Eine kleine ding dong 

Ex factor 

Eyes on you

Gives me shivers 

I'm on my way 

In da ghetto

Kiss a cowboys

Kitchen dance floor Workshop soirée avec Daniel

Ligth me up 

Lord help me 

My Bestie

Nancy mulligan

On the sesh

Peppermint twist Workshop soirée du 22.04

Reunited!  Workshop soirée du 23.04

Sexy eyes

T me on


Twist & shake 

Waiting for a long time Workshop soirée du 23.04

Where oh where

When you smile

Whiskey bridges 



You are reason baby

Danses 2021

Agua y Fuego 

Bella EZ

Boom boom clap

Cold heart

Comin back down


Groovy love 

Keep it simple 

love ain't 

No whiskey on tour

Que paso 

Shape it up 

Skinny genes

Take me home

The captain

The long way home 

The wolf 

Week-end vibes


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